I don't speak German but I have to assume that we got nothing but high praise considering the number of requests that have come in. The sketch has already been completed by WanderingPanda and you can view it here.
As a special thank you to our friends from Deutschland, sketch-it will make a special offer to all requests coming from the CC TLD of .DE. Buy a sketch from sketch-it, mention you saw the segment on Ehrensenf.de, and get a second sketch absolutely free. This offer is only good until 11:59pm GMT on Tuesday, 01Aug2006. Make sure you mention the segment on Ehrensenf.de and don't forget to request TWO sketches.
Thats sooo rad!!
Television = Honour Mustard
I went to the translation web site babelfish.altavista.com and entered the URL for Ehrensenf:
and discovered what the name means:
What means the name honour mustard?
Honour mustard is a Anagramm of the word "television". Thus, the same letters in another order. Because honour mustard is television. Only differently. If one looks exactly, one finds a reference to the InterNet in the Ehrensenf Logo also.
ItÄs like rocketboom, but much better, believ me ..
Television = Honour Mustard
in german language:
Fernsehen = Ehrensenf
In german there is also the expression "seinen Senf dazu geben", meaning, adding ones mustard - like "my two cents" of just making a comment on something. Sometimes the comment might be a little bit annoying like: "oh, so you had to add your mustard (comment) to that?".
And commenting is, what the video blog is about.
Thank you so much for that. Now we all can understand better what that mustard show is all about.
Maja, my friend from Germany has moved with her husband and little boy to Philadelphia and I have no idea what all the comments above say.
I've translated them all with software but there is a lot missing in such a translation.
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