Phew! Carin Van Kuijk requested me to draw a whopping 21 sketches of "3 adults 18 kids, each on seperated sketches holding the Fifa world cup soccer trophy." She had a link with all the photos to reference from of coaches and players in different poses (smiling, running, etc.) From those references I did my best to make them each holding trophy! The following are the products of this request:

These were done in the order that they were in on the reference page. I hope you enjoy them!
Whoa! That was a lot of work!
Great job
it was a lot of work for sure, thank you so so much, the kiddos will get their sketches in 2 weeks, at the parent kids game, for thanking them for a wonderful season. Hubby *1th drawing* is in the surprise with me. We could recognize all kids without using the pictures so you've done a wonderful job sketching them!!!
Big big thank you, Carin
Thanks! I'm very glad to hear you like them! Hope the kids enjoy them too!
As soon as the kiddos received them I will let you know the reactions of the kiddos!
That's awesome - I love how they're all holding the trophy in distinct ways - great job!
Looking forward to it Carin!
Thanks for encouragment guys!
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